Whenever we plan a trip, we prepare a travel itinerary and gather all our important documents, clothes, money, and snacks to nibble on. The last thing that crosses our minds is keeping ourselves safe from bed bugs. But did you know bed bugs are one of the most common problems travelers incur, irrespective of their stay in an inexpensive or luxury hotel? It can be found anywhere, and today, we have listed some expert tips that can help keep you safe from these blood-sucking critters.

  • Sticking to hard-cased luggage is always advisable as bed bugs find it difficult to stick to rigid materials compared to fabric luggage.
  • Pack your clothing in resealable plastic bags. The hardware store sells these bags in up to 22-gallon sizes. 
  • Make sure to carry a flashlight, which can be used to inspect your room upon arrival.
  • Pesticides or insect repellents aren’t very effective against bed bugs and pose significant health hazards.
  • When visiting a hotel, enquire about their bed bug policies at the check-in or reservation desk. Ideally, a hotel will conduct regular inspections by appointing a professional pest control company.
  • Bed bugs have different stages in their lifecycle, ranging from eggs to newly hatched and finally to adults. It would be best if you learned to recognize them by looking at their markings, such as shed skin, blood stains, and droppings. 
  • Choose a hard, elevated surface rather than placing your luggage on upholstered furniture or the floor. You can opt for a dry bathtub if you can’t find a proper surface to place your suitcase. Alternatively, you can leave it inside your car until you have inspected the scenario. 
  • Once at the hotel, pull up the sheets from the sides and corners to examine beds and box springs. Two of the most heavily impacted areas are the mattress seams and tufts, which you can check for bed bug markings. 
  • If you plan on staying for a day or two, keep your clothes inside your luggage rather than transferring the clothes to the wardrobe, another playing field for bedbugs. 

Contact an Expert Pest Control Company

Hotel owners’ primary duty is to manage hotel hygiene and sanitation. The last thing any manager wants is to damage their hotel’s reputation by having guests complain of bed bugs. As a manager, if you ever face such an issue, you can seek the assistance of an expert pest control company to look into the matter and exterminate the pests once and for all. 

Golden Circle Exterminators

8 Directors Row 

Jackson, TN 38305

Categories: Travel