If turning off the machine is a frequent event, then it’s time to figure out what’s not so organized in your home. Turning off the machine can be due to various reasons, from a malfunction of the switch itself to severe issues with the wiring. However, the most common cause is usually network congestion. However, let’s sort things out in order.


You can determine the reason for the tripping mechanism yourself or entrust this matter to an experienced specialist. In this article, we will tell you about the possible reasons for turning off the machine, and you will decide whose help you should use in practice.

Network Congestion

As we have already said, network overload is the most popular reason for turning off the machine. It is worth referring to general information about circuit breakers to more clearly imagine this process.

As we have already discovered, the breaker’s main task is to protect the network from excessive loads. The breaker turns off at the moment of such an overload, which is usually preceded by an excess of the norms due to the amount of power consumed by household appliances. So, in this case, it’s enough to know how to rest a circuit breaker after you lower the load.

Household Appliance Malfunction

Breakdown of household appliances can also trigger the protective mechanism.

Pay attention to the time at which the device turns off. If there is a specific pattern and the machine is triggered when a particular action is performed, one of the electrical appliances is most likely to blame. For example, if a power outage occurs while starting a washing machine, electric stove, or boiler, turn them off and observe the machine’s behavior. If it does not turn off, look for a breakdown in these household appliances.

Short Circuit

Another reason for the frequent tripping of a breaker is a problem with the electrical wiring. The phase touches zero at some point, and a short circuit occurs. At this moment, the machine performs its second role, short circuit protection, and turns off. You can find out that this is the reason if you notice that when you turn off all the appliances in the house, the machine continues to knock. In this case, you must check all the wiring, which takes a lot of time. In addition, you need to be sufficiently attentive and have minimal experience to notice the malfunction. In this case, it is best to use the services of a professional.

Breaker Malfunction

Machine failure may be the rarest reason, but it should not be ruled out. The machine may be defective or of poor quality. If you find out that neither the wiring nor the household appliances are to blame for the shutdowns, try changing the machine to another one.

When to Call an Electrician

When is it time to call a licensed electrician? If you bought a new household appliance and your circuit breaker tripped after connecting it, you can quickly fix the problem yourself. However, even in this case, it is worth calling a specialist to inspect the network.

If shutdowns occur regularly, do not underestimate the danger. Find a suitable service near you and arrange a visit from an electrician. This will help solve the problem quickly and effectively.

Refusing to contact a specialist will not help you save money. The consequences of a malfunction of any element of the electrical network can lead to breakdowns of electrical appliances and even more dire consequences. You shouldn’t put off solving the problem; it’s best to call an electrician immediately.


People often consider constant power outages the norm; they do not think about the wear and tear of the circuit breaker. At some point, the device button gets stuck, stops turning off as it should, and creates a fire hazard if the voltage in the network is exceeded. Most of the fires caused by electrical wiring are due to the owners’ fault, who did not pay attention in time to the “distress signals” from the circuit breaker. Therefore, take timely measures and call a specialist.


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